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Saturday, November 7, 2009

sammy sosa skin

sammy sosa skin
Discussions skin Sammy Sosa is not confident that the unfamiliar. For years, Michael Jackson is the center of debate on its skin relaxed. Many people thought Michael Jackson have not tried Sammy Sosa Skin: Big controversy, such as Sammy Sosa was significantly Lighter Skin to be "whiter" while others claimed that Michael had the disease.
There's an argument that Michael Jackson couldn't possibly have the disease called vitiligo because it causes splotchy skin. However, it is quite possible that Michael Jackson sought out the help of dermatologists to even out his skin. According to CNN, those with the disease contend that Michael Jackson's use of umbrellas, gloves, and lipstick are all in line with the actions of someone with vitiligo.
This brings us to Sammy Sosa. Sammy Sosa was a popular baseball player, but his appearance is not the same physical appearance of entertainer, who has been on stage in front of millions. Sammy Sosa wants to transmit the image of a great baseball player.

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