Admit it: You really don't know how to talk like a pirate. But you need to know, because today is "talk like a pirate day," and perhaps you're donning your pirate suit as I type and looking for some last-minute pirate phrases before heading out to a pirate party with your mates. How do I know that? Just look at Google Trends. Searches for "talk like a pirate day," "pirate translator" and "pirate phrases" are all in the top 30 right now.
This Web site offers some catch phrases that might help you talk like a pirate today. Let's try a few out that might come in handy at that party today. Pirate translations in bold. Why do they point these things at me when I ask if I can take their picture? These are from the Tall Ship festival pirate camp. I can't believe I passed up on an offer to be a Pirates Wench that day but it was 100 degrees out and I couldn't see dressing up in heavy historical costumes. Still, a Pirate Wench, sigh. What a thing to put on my resume.
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