Chima is gone! Yeah! Well...yeah for me anyway. Sorry if you liked her but I found her annoying, rude and childish. I don't mind childish behavior...I thrive on that...but combined with rude and annoying I'm not a fan. She seemed to have an issue with authority figures anyway and that's what apparently did her in. The producers of the show have booted her which has rarely happened on Big Brother in the past.
So here's the update on what's going on. Michele won HOH of course on Thursday. Well after Jessie's departure it sent Lydia, Natalie and Chima into a tailspin. They've been angry with the show for this special power that ended up going to Jeff and so on. They been behaving like 3rd graders. Well to make matters worse Michele put Natalie and Chima up on the block. A great move which apparently drove Chima even MORE crazy and made her act out like an angry 5th grader.
All I have to say is go Jeff! That alliance got what it deserved. Chima's just a childish "princess" who can't accept the fact that the entire house doesn't like her! Tough toots, Chim. As for Natalie and Lydia, cut the sob stories. Jessie was a self-centered egomaniac. Not JESUS CHRIST! I mean, yes, the producers sometimes tell them what to do through their microphones. But don't blame Jessie's dowfall on them! Newsflash! It's called expecting the unexpected.