Ephren Taylor: falling in love with work, with each other Yesterday in writing about love addiction, I talked about a new concept -- drugs to turn emotional love on and off. It is a theory from Emory University and, in an experiment in Australia, it is being used in marriage counseling. But what if you instead worked at love and marriage -- made it a priority in your life? Someone recently sent me a link to Ephren Taylor's website.
If you have no interest in religion, or money, or career success, at least take a look at this analogy he makes about skateboarders, and think about whether or not you would translate the concept to love and marriage. Imagine focusing your energy on a relationship that will benefit you, your love, and children if you choose to have them. And if not, then you can read all the "how to love" books or wait to pop a pill. Here is a recent Today Show video about three young people following their passion. Remember we can do this with love and marriage. The secret is FOCUS.
Ephren Taylor (this is how he spells it) says, " Every day you see kids on the street with skateboards, practicing hour after hour so they can perfect their flips, turns and other stunts. They sweat, grunt get scraps, bruises, cuts and bumps CONSTANTLY. This is brutal and it really takes its toll. But, do you think they consider it work? NO WAY. It's what they live for. Their exhaustion and pain is trumped by satisfaction and inner happiness. "Some of these kids have gone on to become professionals. Now they earn hundreds of thousands of dollars doing the thing they loved doing for free -- messing around on skateboards. Even if they don't become professionals, they have FUN and they remember that in approaching other things in their life.
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